Our Vision
Become the largest turnkey system provider in Albania and Kosovo.
Our Mission
Provide innovative and qualitative products and systems.
HSE Policy Statment
Health, Safety, and Environment Policy Statement of Fintrade Company is committed to achieving a Safe, Healthy, Injury-free, and Environmentally sound business by identifying potential Health, Safety, and Environmental risks, eliminating them where possible, and implementing effective risk control measures…learn more
Core Values
The values that define FINTRADE are Reliability, Dynamism, Innovation, and Quality.
FINTRADE believes that safety is the foundation of the company. To be responsible to the shareholders & society, Fintrade insists on an essential requirement of never making compromises regarding safety. The health, Safety, and Environment Policy Statement of “FINTRADE” company is committed to achieving a Safe, Healthy, Injury Free and Environmentally sound business by identifying potential Health, Safety, and Environmental risks and eliminating them where possible adequate risk control measures. The HSE policies, procedures, and practices follow the Legislative requirements, industry and standards, best practice concepts, and ISO14001 and OHAS 18001. The following are the goals and objectives of the HSE Management System:
- To ensure compliance with international Codes and Standards.
- Zero Lost Time Injuries, permanent disabilities, and fatal accidents.
- Zero Significant Property Loss.
- Exclusion of unsafe conditions/situations on the site.
- Exclusion of problems that could hurt employees’ health.
- Exclusion of activities that might harm the environment.
- To preserve the image of the company.